Seville Beauty Pageant – The April Fair Parade

It is April and here in Andalusia, the annual Beauty Pageant has started in Seville.  For months now the beauties of Andalusia have been on a special diet and exercising daily.  Days are counted down as each contestant’s hair is brushed and they are told they are the most beautiful creation in the world. I …

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Seville Beauty Pageant – The April Fair Parade

It is April and here in Andalusia, the annual Beauty Pageant has started in Seville.  For months now the beauties of Andalusia have been on a special diet and exercising daily.  Days are counted down as each contestant’s hair is brushed and they are told they are the most beautiful creation in the world.

I am talking about the horses.  The horses in Andalusia are the most beautiful in the world.  And they don’t even know it.  They just do their thing, and the whole world spins around them.

Today (April 15th, 20018), the annual parade kicking off the April Fair was held in Seville.  The streets were filled with people.  Today is the start of a 168 hour party (!! ** ##).  To kick off one of the largest parties on the planet, a parade of carriages and horses are judged (basically an Andalusia Beauty Pageant).

This years contestants are as beautiful as they come.  Please lets meet some of the contestants.

Meet Steady Eddy

This is Steady Eddy’s third Seville Parade.  He still bares his teeth at all that is involves, but he puts up with it.  This year, he is dressed in blue and yellow, and leather.  Give it up for Steady Eddy!

Steady Eddy - Sevilla horse

Steady Eddie!

Next up, please give it up for the Roman muscleman, …. Bruno!

Bruno is also very experienced in parades.  He also has the muscles for it and the disposition.  He is a solid contender.


 Bruno, the muscleman of the April Fair in Seville

Please welcome our next contestant, dressed in baby blue, … please give it up for Pedro the grey ghost!

Actually, the grey ghost is not happy with this year’s baby blue costume,  but being an old hand at this sort of thing, he will make the best of it and prance, snort and try to convince the judges as he passes through the bull ring.

Baby Blue Sevilla horse

 The Grey Ghost – Pedro!

Going the more traditional route, the next beauty contestant is Ralph. 

He has chosen a short haircut, with simple blinders – going with the black on white.

Ralph is pissed with the waiting times!

In every beauty pageant, there are always several underdogs.  Please allow me to introduce two underdogs that have brought their best stuff. 

First off is Larry.

Larry has been working out daily and he is able to transmit a sense that the universe is still intact.  Crowd comments include “He is cool under pressure” and “what a cool dude”.  He has definitely garnered crowd support, but remains an underdog to be judged as the best looking in Andalusia.

 Meet Larry – A solid piece of mule flesh

Another underdog is brother mule who goes by the name “Foam“.

Foam comes to us from the empty spaces near Ronda.  He swears he has a way with the females and he is definitely not afraid to be bold.

Foam go big or go home - Mule

Foam!    Go big or go home!

Okay.  I am being factious.

These animals do not know that they are in a beauty contest.  They just do their stuff.

The April Fair parade in Seville is a beauty pageant though.  An honestly, while there are many types of carriages, and many beautiful people in the carriages, it is definitely about the horses and mules.  No contest.

But there are many elements to a beauty pageant.  One of the highlights was this carriage carrying beautiful young ladies, all with a flowers on top of their heads.

Sevilla ladies in carriage

Sevillanas with beautiful smiles!

Some of the horses and mules had to draw older folks around, some dressed really well in costumes from old times.

A carriage drawn by the beauty contestants

Hey!  Again I am being facetious.  Sorry about that.

The honest to God truth.  The horses, mules, carriages and occupants were really beautiful.  Tons and tons of preparation go into this parade and it is really something to see.

I still, only have eyes for the horses and mules.  They were lovely this year!

I welcome comments and questions. – Steve


ps: After living nearly 10 years in Andalusia, I still enjoy every April Fair parade in Seville.  And I enjoy the April Fair, ….and I enjoy the “buena onda of the Andalusians”.  I continue to work at providing the very best Spanish extra virgin olive oil in Andalusia (see our GringoCool brand), and our hand painted Spanish pottery to US customers.  I don’t mean to complain at all.  Please check us out on amazon and also at our online store.

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