A very curious statement is printed on every bottle of certified extra virgin olive oil in Spain. The statement is: "Superior category of Olive Oil obtained directly from olives and solely by mechanical means." Read more

As you can imagine, in our house we always have extra virgin olive oil. From being a luxury item in my parent’s household when I was a kid, it’s THE oil we use for cooking in our home now. Every time Steve goes to the oil mill where GringoCool EVOO is bottled, he buys a … <...
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There are no road maps for small businesses. Small businesses cannot sit still. New business is critical for long-term success. And in this climate of continual movement and business development, success or failure results from variables many times not fully recognized or u...
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Head to head comparison of olive oils just like the old Coke vs Pepsi challenge. Here at GringoCool, we are encouraging head to head taste tests between our Spanish, organic extra virgin olive oil and any takers. We want people to discover the difference themselves because w...
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