Extra Virgin Olive Oil Taste Test – Pullman, WA

Head to head comparison of olive oils just like the old Coke vs Pepsi challenge.  Here at GringoCool, we are encouraging head to head taste tests between our Spanish, organic extra virgin olive oil and any takers.  We want people to discover the difference themselves because we believe our organic EVOO is unbeatable for flavoring salads …

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Extra Virgin Olive Oil Taste Test – Pullman, WA

Head to head comparison of olive oils just like the old Coke vs Pepsi challenge.  Here at GringoCool, we are encouraging head to head taste tests between our Spanish, organic extra virgin olive oil and any takers.  We want people to discover the difference themselves because we believe our organic EVOO is unbeatable for flavoring salads and finishing food and dishes.

As part of our launch of our new Cold Pressed Elixir by GringoCool, I emailed and talked with several of my siblings, in-laws, and cousins to see if they thought it would be fun to hold a taste test.  Many said yes, and so far, three different taste test parties have been held, … the most recent in Pullman, Washington.

Taste test set up

In preparation for the taste tests, GringoCool sent olive oil and hand painted serving and dipping dishes.  The photo above gives a a good idea of how the test taste is set up.  Each of the dipping bowls hold different extra virgin olive oil and only the host knows which is which.  So the idea is to visit with friends, nibble on food, drink some wine or beverages, and taste the different olive oils and see which one(s) you like and why.

Usually, bread is a good nibbler for dipping in the olive oil.  You can also use fresh vegetables such as carrot sticks or red/green pepper slices.  The party goers/testers are encouraged to discuss their findings with other tasters.  Mostly, you must have fun!

This is what my sister-in-law wrote to me after the party.

We compared yours (Cold Pressed Elixir by GringoCool), Costco’s, a Safeway brand and another from Spain that some friends of mine just got from their parents who were in Spain over the holidays.

Everyone agreed the Costco and Safeway brands were more bitter and had an unpleasant after taste. They liked both Spanish EVOO’s better. The other brand was very smooth, almost flavorless. Some people liked that. Others liked that yours had some flavor, but it wasn’t overpowering. A couple people were interested in the pottery, too, so I handed out your small pamphlets and mentioned that your products are on Amazon, too. It was a fun evening and Brent gave your packaging a good plug.

I don’t know what the result will be, but it will get the conversation started in our neighborhood! We’ll do it again with another group of people this spring. Everyone had fun visiting, drinking and eating.

“….Everyone had fun visiting, drinking and eating….”  – a complete,  100% taste test success!  Thanks so much Wendy!!

We are looking to sponsor a limited number of new taste tests.  If this sounds like something you might enjoy, don’t be shy!  Send me a proposal via email to:  cactuscanyonceramics@gmail.com.  We want people all of the US to have the opportunity to learn of our EVOO.

And, if you are interested in purchasing a one or two bottle box of our Spanish, organic extra virgin olive oil, you can find it at our online store (www.gringocool.com) or on amazon.  If you want to buy it on amazon, just search for “gringocool”.

Thanks for reading. – Steve

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